School River

APX Student Kiosk APX Kiosk Applications
Kiosks in strategically selected locations allow students to select and print tardy slips, absence clearance or early leave forms, and other documents that may require a parent or guardian signature.

APX Student Kiosk Overview

APX Student Kiosk Features

  • Seamless integration of data between Aeries® SIS and SchoolRiver APX
  • Students have a quick way to code and print out forms their parents or guardians need to sign
  • Much of the data coding process gets placed into the hands of students, parents and guardians
  • Simplified student access to consent forms, absence forms, early leave forms, etc.

APX Student Kiosk Benefits

  • Frees staff time by placing non-critical coding functions in hands of students
  • Eliminates coding and archiving by staff so they can focus on reducing tardies, absences and truancy
  • Helps reduce operational costs by automating capabilites not currently present in Aeries®
  • Automatically manages all Aeries®-related coding and archiving needs for early leaves and absence clearances

APX Kiosk Walkthrough

APX Kiosk Module Dashboard

The main dashboard provides all the necessary navigational features to access all the features in the APX Kiosk module. The system connects to the Aeries backend, in order to provide a local record of all absences that are needed to be cleared, as well as to document and print all the early leave slips for the current or future dates. Furthermore, the dashboard provides access to all its modules whether online or offline, as well as displays the current period session.

  • Automated Attendance
  • Digital Display Management
  • Event Management
  • On Demand Document Printing
  • Document Scanning

Tardy Issuer

The tardy issuer allows schools to either allow students to define the period for which they are tardy, or simply use the features in the APX Administrator to link to a customized bell schedule. Additionally, it can provide schools with important information regarding the reason (s) why students are late. This information should be part of the student analytics, in order for administrators and school staff, to better understand conditions and situation outside of the control of students.

  • Student delivers tardy slip to teacher with date and time stamps
  • Schools have option to allow students to enter tardy or to set the kiosk to automatically enter tardy in SIS
  • Unique match settings allow only one record to be viewed
  • Bar coded students ID supported
  • Tardy reasons can be matched with those in SIS or use any other desired options.
  • In development, is the ability to automatically assign a tardy based on timestamp. This will prevent period entry errors made by the student.
  • Multiple choices can also be built into reason categories. This can allow for many drill down options to clearly identify source of tardies.
  • Parents can also be optionally notified of a tardies incurred by the student at the time the tardy slip is printed.

Clear Absence Form Printer

This module brings unprecedented efficiency to the absence clearance process, by utilizing a standard form that students take home for parents and/or guardians to sign. This feature allows schools to file paper forms that are always the same length and width, as well as provide the technological advantage of scan and archive images of these documents. Digital images can then be viewed and searched internally, or shared in cases where state or district audits require it.

  • Students are only allowed to proceed only if there are absences to be cleared.
  • Absence data also optionally available via BI dashboard.
  • Multiple absences can be cleared in a single form.
  • Multiple reasons can be declared in a single form for absences on different dates.
  • Absence can be printed at any attendance kiosk
  • Absence forms are available for printing at home or office.
  • Verification of signed absence forms is also processed on a dedicated kiosk equipped with a document camera.

Early Leave Permit Printer

The early leave permit printer provides schools with a kiosk based solution, that can be deployed in one or more locations within the school. Since the system captures reasons for the early leave, schools can now have an array of statistics not readily available from most SIS systems. Forms are standardized, can be printed from any kiosk or conveniently printed from home or office. A unique code in each document ensures traceability, and includes the date and time stamp of each early leave permit.

  • Automate the management of students leaving school early.
  • An online option is also available for students needing to print early leave permission from home.
  • Enter early leave data manually or automatically
  • Properly signed early leave forms are then scanned and kept in digital format are required by state guidelines.
  • Nurse practitioners can also access early leave functionality to approve early leaves due to illness.
  • Match early leave codes to SIS or create and store new ones.
  • Early leave slips can further be scanned to document that students have physically left the school premises.
  • Print early leave slips any time in any available kiosk, or print online directly from home or office.
  • Schools can also optionally add additional codes via the application.

Lunch & Exit Pass Scanner

In cases where schools are allows students to leave school premises during lunch hour, the Launch and Exit Pass Scanner is a fast solution to ensure that only students with the permit can leave during this time. Additionally, this scanning solution can also be utilized to manage any other reasons for which students can be authorized to leave the school. This module can also be utilized to scan students returning from lunch. No more need to affix stickers to students ID’s or use any other other paper based system.

  • Control students leave privileges for lunch, work experience, college classes,etc
  • Determine who is eligible directly from SIS. No need for paper records
  • Validate students returning from lunch
  • Runs in manual or scanner mode
  • Runs online or offline
  • Track who is out of the school premises if an emergency arises
  • Validates whether student has additional classes past the lunch period.
  • Determine who is not eligible to leave school premises directly from the SIS
  • Records unauthorized attempts
  • Validate students returning back to school.
  • All scanning session are read for start and completion times.
  • Detect if lunch pass is used more than once in a 24 hour period.
  • If multiple lunch pass kiosks are used, each pass is synchronized in less than one second to other connected devices.

School Forms Printer

Most schools are required to use a vast array of forms. In most situations, forms are scattered throughout in or more buildings, which makes it difficult to manage whenever forms change. The Forms Printer module ensures that forms are always updated and that they can be printed on demand. All changes are centralized in a single place, ensuring that forms are always up to date. Additionally, forms can be also be offered online for convenient access by parents and students.

  • Reduce printing costs by allow printing of school forms only when needed.
  • Fully control the revision level of all forms. No need to worry about already printed obsolete forms.
  • Extend the printing of all forms available through the kiosks to online printing from home or office.
  • Provide the ability to fill out forms through a standard virtual keyboard

"Roughly 15 more minutes of school a day (or about an additional week of class over an academic year) relates to an average increase in overall academic achievement of about 1.0 percent, and a 1.5 percent increase in average achievement for disadvantaged students."

Wassmer, Robert and Jez, Su Jin. "The Impact of Learning Time on Academic Achievement"

The SchoolRiver APX Suite

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